With the February 20th date, the Pisces are currently in the first quarter of the month. They are moving into the sign of the Fish, water and fire. Their energies are in the water and fire. They are in the process of being aware of their own inner nature. The Pisces are now able to think about their own inner nature, and the water and fire aspect of this energy is their ability to act.

They are also moving into the sign of the Scorpion, fire and water. The scorpions are also the sign of the water. They are aware of their own inner nature and are in the process of becoming aware of themselves. The scorpions are also aware of the fact that they are water creatures.

Water and fire are in the same sign, so their inner nature is almost the same, even though their outward aspects are different. The Scorpion is fire and water, and the Scorpion is the sign of water. In the same sign, they are both aware of their own inner nature, but because of their outer aspect, they are unaware of their inner nature.

Scorpio is the sign of fire and water (the water element is represented by the scorpion), so it probably comes as no surprise that they are aware of their inner nature, but because of their outer aspect, they don’t really know that they are water. The scorpion is also the sign of water, so it’s not really surprising that the scorpions are aware of themselves, but because of their outer aspect, they don’t really know that they are water.

Scorpio is the sign of fire, but the scorpion is the sign of water. So they dont really know that they are water. You can see how this can be confusing to a Scorpio.

Scorpio is the sign of fire. That means that the scorpions dont really know that they are water. Water is the external aspect of Scorpio. So all of their actions are based on their inner aspect and not on their outer aspect.

Some people would argue that Scorpio is just the opposite of Pisces. That is the only way to explain their nature, right? But that just doesn’t make any sense at all. Scorpio is the sign of fire and they are the fire sign’s opposite, but they arent water.

Pisces is the sign of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets. So that means that there is an aspect of that sign that is the opposite of the aspect of the other ones. I can’t say that for sure but I’m sure someone will. I have a feeling that is the case with Scorpio, but that doesn’t mean that their nature is water.

Scorpio is the sign of death and destruction. But they dont mean it literally, they are the sign of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets. So that means that there is an aspect of that sign that is the opposite of the aspect of the other ones. Im sure someone will say that they have a feeling that the Sun is in Scorpio, but thats just not the case.

Actually it is pretty easy to check. If you are a Scorpio, you must be both in Sagittarius (the sign of the Sun) and Pisces (the sign of the Moon). If you are in both of those signs, you are a Pisces. Its kind of like if the sun is in the sign of Scorpio and you are in the sign of Pisces, you are a Scorpio.


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