
king of swords career

I’m not talking about the sword. I’m talking about the career, or “king of swords.” This career was my favorite character in the first Dragon Ball movie. He was a warrior who had superpowers. He was also...

aries woman happy birthday aries

I love this woman, she’s my favorite, but I do have my limits. Because I am more of a person that goes over the top in everything, I will always have my limits. And that has nothing...

6 of pentacles: yes or no love

I’d like to talk about a very important topic that is often the subject of pentacles. This is something that is very helpful to some and very frustrating to others. There are many different aspects to love...

Some Useful Links for You to Get Started

It seems like you’re running a default WordPress website. Here are a few useful links to get you started: Migration How to use WordPress Migrator Plugin? Migrate WordPress from Siteground to Cloudways Migrate WordPress from GoDaddy to Cloudways General How do I take my website...

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