
horoscope july 18 2021

Horoscope Jule's 2018-21 is a very exciting time that happens every few years. It is a time of change and upheaval. We are beginning to see the full potential of our lives and are beginning to realize...

dec 12th zodiac

I love decorating my bedroom with the colors of the zodiac. I like that the colors are still somewhat neutral, yet have the power to bring out the personality of each person in the room.I have a...

new month tarot spread

Today I have a new tarot spread that I am giving to a friend of ours who is in mourning. This month was a bit difficult for the couple, as they had recently lost their own son....

king of swords career

I’m not talking about the sword. I’m talking about the career, or “king of swords.” This career was my favorite character in the first Dragon Ball movie. He was a warrior who had superpowers. He was also...

scorpio-sagittarius cusp man

The scorpio is a sign that is often associated with death and the underworld. The scorpio-sagittarius cusp man is a symbol of death and rebirth. A cusp man symbolizes the death of the ego through the death...

lilith in sagittarius

The first time I saw lilith in Sagittarius, I was struck with a sense of awe and wonder. I had not been taught that I was so beautiful, so I had imagined her to be someone with...

october 7 zodiac sign

This is the seventh zodiac sign for our October calendar. The sign is one of the most important for this month of the year because it represents the first month of the year. It is called the...

1st house sagittarius

Sagittarius is a sign that is an earth sign, but to me, it's much closer to a water sign. The water sign is not just about water and waves. It's about all aspects of the planet that...

watch gemini man online free

This is the first installment of the 3D Glass Gemini man online free watch gemini man video series. The second installment of this series will be released in a few weeks. The first installment will be available...

pisces man and taurus woman 2020

The pisces man is the traditional king of the world. He is the most powerful, wise, and charming man we know. His head on the shoulders of the taurus woman is proof that opposites can overcome, but...

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