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clean bill of health

The Clean Bill of Health is a simple system to keep your system up and running. It has three requirements: a clean bill of health, no disease, no injury. A clean bill of health...

zodiac signs as magical powers

Many people are confused when it comes to the zodiac signs.In the past, the zodiac sign was thought to be a sign of our age in general, but the more modern scholars now believe that the zodiac...

four of cups reversed yes or no

I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a bowl reversed, but the idea is that you flip the bowl over and look at the cup on the back. If the cup is not upside down, it is...

da baby birth chart

A birth chart is a drawing or diagram that helps one learn how to deliver a baby. This is an important tool to have in your toolbox. It allows you to determine exactly what you need to...

libra virgo cusp compatibility

We know that a healthy cusp is very important when it comes to compatibility of the cusp pattern. However, we know that the “cusp” in question is not always what we think it is. Our cusp is...

Will can am maverick x3 specs, Ever Rule the World?

Looking for the specs on the can be maverick x3? We have them here. The Maverick X3 is a side-by-side vehicle that seats up to 3 people. It has a power of 168 hp and a torque...

pisces in the 3rd house

A friend sent me this picture to make my day. It is the 3rd house in the photo and it is the home of the Pisces in the Eastern religion. Not to be confused with the two...

gemini tarot december 2021

A tarot card reader and guide to the future.The first thing you'll notice when you open a tarot gallery is the beautiful cover art, which is also a great way to get a quick preview of a...

stat home health

I love this book because it is the first thing that I read when I started coming up with my own health goals. I got a little overwhelmed at first because I had so many goals, but...

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