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scorpio woman likes and dislikes

This is basically a poll, but I like this category a lot. I think a lot of people have a problem with scorpio women and the fear they might not be taken seriously or maybe they just...

sagittarius woman art

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been known to go back to a painting and just stare at it, wondering what kind of shit it is in. The truth is that some of the most beautiful...

pisces tarot october 2021

I received a tarot reading this month that asked me about my beliefs about life and the future. I was curious to learn more about what the astrology has to say about the upcoming summer and my...

saturn trine jupiter synastry

Jupiter and Saturn are the two brightest constellations in the night sky. They are very close to each other and are often referred to as one. Jupiter and Saturn have been closely associated with the planet of...

three of wanda

I had a conversation with Wanda recently that was really great. It was after I visited her from the airport. I asked her if she was free to come to the studio, which is where she teaches....

super health club

A health club is a great way to share your healthy habits, but it’s also a great way for you to keep your health going. The fact that a healthy gym is so important to you and...

lilith in gemini woman

A Gemini woman is a woman who lives a lifestyle of self-empowerment and happiness. A woman who is truly living for the people around her, and not for herself. A woman who is happy to be surrounded...

What the Oxford English Dictionary Doesn’t Tell You About Cache memory levels are based...

Cache memory levels are based on proximity to __. This is a principle that can help you understand cache memory and what it means for your computer. The closer the data is stored to the CPU, the...

scorpio and virgo friendship compatibility

For those who are more of a scorpio, this scorpio and virgo friendship compatibility list gives a little more insight into how compatible you are when it comes to love and friendship.Since I’m a scorpio, I’m a...

ace of pentacles reverse

Why do we have a hard time deciding whether or not we will actually do something? Sometimes though we are able to think back and figure out what is going on.One of the things people seem to...

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