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what is december 12 zodiac sign

We all have our own “december 12 zodiac sign”. These are the signs that are based on the 12 months of the year. On the december 12 zodiac sign, the zodiac sign is often a symbol of...

cosmic path weekly horoscope

The cosmic path weekly horoscope is an extension to my previous article that is a weekly look at the most accurate, interesting, and surprising information from the universe. I’ve also included what I consider to be the...

feng shui astrology

I am a big fan of feng shui because it connects the concept of a house to a person and the concept of a life. Feng shui and feng-shui are both based on Chinese astrology which is...

3 of cups as feelings

I’m not saying that if you are feeling hungry, thirsty, or angry, that you should be throwing a handful of food out and eating it. I am saying that you shouldn’t be throwing out a handful of...

taurus 2016 love horoscope

The 2016 Love Horoscope is a chart that is meant to help you understand how you can express your love for yourself and for those you care about most. It will help you identify your future in...

what is my rising sign quiz

If you are new to life, you might not be aware of the signs that are telling you to get out of bed. But if you are experienced and are taking care of your body, you can...

4 of wands reversed yes or no

I’ve been able to shift the focus from my own personal desires and feelings toward helping others, and not being so self-centered that I’m losing the connection to my own feelings and desires.This is my favorite quote....

capricorn in 6th house

And you don't need to say the name of a band or movie to get the same effect. What this means is that the more you get to know yourself, the less you have to think about...

scorpio and cancer magnetism

In the last couple of years, I have gotten very good at detecting the scorpio/cancer magnetism around me. I use this as a way to keep myself aware of my surroundings and always on the lookout for...

3rd house in aries

We rarely meet a third house in aries and we’ve never met a third house in aries. The fact is, we haven’t met many people who have been third houses in aries and yet we’ve met many...

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