What is a Type Name? Type names are the user-defined identifiers that can be used to define new types in C++. Type names must start with an uppercase or lowercase letter. They cannot contain underscores, and they cannot have embedded spaces. The type name should not conflict with any other identifier, such as keywords (e.g., int), preprocessor symbols (e.g., _WIN32), or reserved words (e.g., public). Type names should be meaningful and concise.

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It is typically a good idea to use descriptive type names such as int, float, or string rather than naming the variables x, y, or z. A list of valid identifiers for type names in C++: -char (including signed char) -wchar_t -unsigned char (including unsigned wchar_t) -signed short -unsigned short int32_t/uint32_t (depending on whether it’s 32 bit platform) -bool -long long int 64bit size types are supported but not widely used yet because of potential memory overflow issues when using them with data structures that can exceed the maximum size


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