What is a std::string? A std::string is an object of type string that stores sequences of characters and provides operations for searching, comparing, copying, concatenating (joining), finding the length, extracting substrings. A std::string is an object of type string that stores sequences of characters and provides operations for searching, comparing, copying, concatenating (joining), finding the length, extracting substrings. – A std::string does not name a type; it must be explicitly typed as such with its constructor or cast from one to another using reinterpret_cast operator – When declaring variables we use “std::basic_string”* to declare them

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– There different ways to initialize strings: o We can create a new empty string by using the default initialization () o Or by specifying the size of data in bytes (e.g., 255) before initializing it with ‘\0’ character (‘\\x00’) eg: typedef std::basic_string  std::string; const char* delimiter = “,”; // comma is a separator for this string str.append(delimiter); // appending the delimiter to the end of the string – We can search strings by using find, rfind and strchr functions which return pointers to first occurrences of specific character or substring in given string o Find searches from one side of a specified range (starting point) until it finds an equal character on other side o RFind searches backwards from start position looking for occurrence at specified location into buffer’s content – Using member function compare we can perform comparisons between two strings: operator== will test if both


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